Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tulips Silhouette 10x14 oil - SOLD
I found the spider like arrangement of the flowers against the horizontal blinds interesting. There is something about back lit objects that always attracts me. I think because the objects are silhouetted, the shapes are somewhat simplified and more graphic. Simplify, something I try to remember but too often its only after I have finished my painting that I recall.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Artist and Model 12x12 oil
Another attempt at painting a subject that I don't usually paint. It is always frustrating but well worth the effort if I can learn from the experience. I was trying to paint in a looser, more free way but found myself getting to caught up in some of the details. Finally I ended in that very awkward spot of to much detail and not not enough detail. I am trying to eliminate or at least minimize "rendering".
This was fun and frustrating!

This was fun and frustrating!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Below The Hills 12x12 oil SOLD
Monday, April 27, 2009
Overflow 9x12 oil
I found this farm on route 50, near Lynchburg. It was a beautiful location. It would be a simple, straight forward deal to paint this barn or so I thought. After all, this is right in the middle of my "comfort" zone. I've painted hundreds and hundreds of landscapes...a piece of cake, NOT. I painted 2 views of this barn and struggled every inch of the way. Painting seems to do that every now and then, just when you think you're in the "groove", the paints and brushes rise up and kick you in the ass just to remind you how little you control. I will post the other barn painting tomorrow.

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Field Road 10x10 oil - SOLD
I was heading to a different location to paint but, when I got there I found that real estate developers had beaten me to it. I continued my search for a subject and found a small dirt road turn off. I must have driven 1 1/2 miles around and between fields when I saw this scene. It was a nice quiet spot to spend a few hours painting. I am very pleased with the results and hope the developers never find this spot.

Saturday, April 25, 2009
Kitchen Yard 10x10 oil - SOLD
While painting this house I was treated to a Blue Grass concert going on across the street. It was fun having music to paint by. I may have to finally get an ipod. I have received 2 of them as gifts but re-gifted them when I found out they didn't automatically come with my favorite music and that I would have to "download" it...that didn't sound like something I would enjoy doing. I've since learned that its not so bad or hard to do.

Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Spring Puddles 9x12 oil - SOLD
This is the same location as "Winter Wheat". I got there after work, turned to my right (east, I think) and began painting. Now that I have met the "crop consultant" and he told me the name of the owner, I may move off the roadside and into the fields.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Yellow Tulips 8x10 oil
I don't often paint flowers. My goal this year has been to paint subjects outside of my comfort zone, ie; still life,plastic bags, meat etc.. This was harder than I expected and I am looking forward to doing more. Apologies for the "glare" on the painting, I always seem to struggle trying to photograph "dark, wet" paintings.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Winter Wheat 8x10 oil
This field of winter wheat is directly across the road from the pond I painted yesterday. The tire tracks are what attracted me to paint this. They show you where you are and in what direction you are headed and hold the promise of the future at the end or around the next corner. I really wanted to drive through this field but, I didn't know who owned it and in my experience farmers can get pretty annoyed at strangers tramping through their fields. In fact just as I was finishing up a truck pulled up with what turned out to be the crop consultant to the owner. He was there to check on a report of someone suspiciously standing near one of Mr. Shaw's fields...just me, paintin'

Monday, April 20, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
The Path That Follows The River 10x10 oil
In the afternoon I found this path through the woods along side a river. I really enjoyed painting the moss covered tree trunks. It is always fun to paint in the woods. One of the perks of painting in the woods is the solitude and that other than the birds and chipmunks you aren't going to have to deal with an audience. I recently read an article about painting in the city and all of the difficulties involved. The most obvious one being all of the people that stop to watch and talk. The author came up with a great remedy to that particular problem...put out a cup and sign asking for donations! Nothing gets a crowd to move on faster than asking for a donation.

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Scattered Color 16x16 oil - SOLD
In my studio is a small formica table with various tubes of old paint. I thought this would be a simple painting that I could complete in the evening after work. I was wrong. A tube of paint is not a difficult thing to paint but, 25 tubes scattered over a table top with pliers was sort of like doing a jigsaw puzzle, only fun.

oil colors,
paint tubes,
still life
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
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